Many Surgeons Think About Suicide, Seek No Help
A new study has found that many surgeons have suicidal thoughts but very few seek mental health assistance.
A new study has found that many surgeons have suicidal thoughts but very few seek mental health assistance.
Warning signs have been released by the Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to help parents detect ADHD symptoms early.
Whether or not the case of Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, taking another medical leave of absence is related or not, the growing problem with increased work hours and decreased health is evident.
Paracetamol is being intensely investigated after a woman accidentally overdosed and killed herself while attempting to self-medicate.
Experts have been analyzing mental illnesses, their prevalence, and whether or not they can be treated before a tragedy occurs.
Standing water, like the floods in Queensland, may bring a variety of water-borne diseases and illnesses to residents in direct contact.
Most mentally ill individuals cause no physical harm, and it is unknown that if those who do cause harm, would not have done so if treated.
Whether the decisions are bias or not, nursing homes show definite favoritism towards individuals without a mental illness rather than developing plans based on actual health needs.
Mental health problems are more likely to become chronic issues as a person continues to sleep less than the average necessary requirement.