Everyone Should Know These 5 Little Known Facts About Breast Cancer
To shed light more light on the disease, here are five lesser known facts to be aware of when it comes to breast cancer.
To shed light more light on the disease, here are five lesser known facts to be aware of when it comes to breast cancer.
In fact, risk decreases of death were higher than 10 percent lower for women who experienced hot flashes and night sweats.
Researchers explain that hot flashes may be easier to manage and less troublesome if women were to weigh less.
Experiencing early menopausal illness may have something to do with reproductive lifespans of women.
New studies found that women who delay hormone replacement therapy after starting menopause may be at lower risks of breast cancer.
New studies may show that starting hormone therapy near the start of menopause may increase breast cancer risks more than if hormone replacement therapy takes place some time after menopause.
Common menopause symptom, hot flashes, may reduce the risks of developing breast cancer according to a new study. Researchers found both hot flashes and night sweats to be related in this study.
Lexapro (escitalopram) may be an effective treatment for menopause symptoms.
Extracts rich in antioxidants like green tea and pomegranate extracts have shown no negative side effects but have both shown to assist women with the discomfort associated with menopause.