Quizzes Help The Brain Remember, Study Shows
The study examined the effects of sleep on learning if the brain is aware it will be put to a test beforehand.
The study examined the effects of sleep on learning if the brain is aware it will be put to a test beforehand.
Memories are formulated best when sleeping according to a recent study performed in the Bjorn Rasch University of Basel, Switzerland.
Researchers found that body fat location may have something to do with memory loss. What researchers are trying to determine is whether or not it is truly possible to lose weight from a specific part of the body.
A new study explains that basic physical exercise as adults age may help counter the negative effects aging has on the brain and may also help improve memory.
Scientists may have found markers on brain scans that could identify the presence of Alzheimer’s disease long before it exists.
Researchers have discovered that memory is improved based on how the information is originally learned.
Researchers at a Chicago conference discovered that walking five miles per week can help halt brain function decline as well as protect the brain in individuals experiencing…
Both bipolar disorder and ADHD cause children to have attention problems, become easily irritable, and act impulsively.
Benefits of sleeping may extend beyond rest and relaxation. New studies explain how sleep may help…
New studies in the United States may explain why some people can function on just a few hours of sleep per night.