Not Just Cholesterol, Stroke Risk Factors Include Triglycerides Too, Study Shows
The findings showed unanimously that as non-fasting triglyceride levels increased, so did the stroke risk for that particular individual.
The findings showed unanimously that as non-fasting triglyceride levels increased, so did the stroke risk for that particular individual.
A large egg that had approximately 215 milligrams of cholesterol is now down to 185 milligrams.
The presence of health insurance may make people more lenient about their health.
Heart experts have been analyzing the relative power of good cholesterol, HDL, as an additional deterrent of heart disease.
New findings show that statins, drugs used to lower cholesterol, may actually cause additional harm on patients.
Researchers warn about the dangers of cholesterol, and claim the egg yolk to be a hidden danger.
Carriers of a certain gene are more prone to have higher cholesterol or to have a heart attack.