New Blood Pressure Measurement Device May Detect Heart Disease Sooner
A group of researchers developed a new device that may just change the future of blood pressure measurement.
A group of researchers developed a new device that may just change the future of blood pressure measurement.
Exposure to lead has become an issue in many cities since its presence in schools and homes has been more prevalent.
Heart disease encompasses a variety of diseases affecting the heart. It is known that women live longer than men.
Sulfoaildenafil has been shown to negatively affect certain prescription drug abilities, potentially lowering blood pressure to near death levels.
Blueberries contain high concentrations of anthocyanins and are very antioxidant rich. Other foods with similar antioxidant qualities are…
New studies show that patients who take a combination of two separate medicines for high blood pressure notice better results than those who simply take one.
Protecting children from secondhand smoke exposure is vital to decrease risks of long-term health problems.
Recently, scientists at The Florida State University discovered research that may place watermelon as an effective food against high blood pressure.
Women at high-stress jobs are upwards of 40 percent more likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke, or cardiovascular disease than women who do not have a stressful job.
Blood vessels react differently to weight training than aerobic exercise, and this altered reaction may be beneficial to long-term cardiovascular health.