Cigarette Smoking May Increase Depression Risks in Teenagers
Smoking cigarettes may increase depression in teenagers, a new study suggests.
Smoking cigarettes may increase depression in teenagers, a new study suggests.
With the launch of National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, some believe the obesity problem in America is being underestimated.
While the rate of teens smoking has decreased over the past 10 years, no changes have been noted in the past few years.
Hearing loss has increased about 30 percent (to about one in five) in United States teenagers from 1988 to 2006, studies suggest.
Children with no siblings are no less capable of having and displaying solid social skills when compared to children raised with siblings, a new study suggests.
New research concluded that even taken once per month, acetaminophen, a very well-known painkiller, may increase teenagers risk two-fold for asthma.
New studies suggest children with dogs are actually more active than children of families without.
Studies show a link between brain development and physical fitness in 9- and 10-year-old children. The study proves children who are more fit perform better on memory tests than less-fit children.