A new report suggests that children are happier if they live with two-parents and typically eat dinner with their parents. The study analyzes the ‘traditional’ family and how it affects children living in the household.
For the study, members from more than 40,000 homes throughout Britain were analyzed.
Researchers noticed that a strong bond was created between children and their parents if the family ate at least three meals together each week.
The study also found, however, that generally speaking, the longer two people in a relationship stay together, the less satisfied they are with each other. One factor that creates significant strain for parents is having children under five years old.
The findings in the study helped to solidify the importance of how creating and maintaining a ‘typical’ family style can improve the mood and development of children.
The study also showed that breaking up a family inflicts more damage on children than a poverty-stricken lifestyle would.
Additionally, parental relationships with each other and also with the children largely factor into how well a child develops both emotionally and cognitively.