Fish oil supplements may drastically improve malnutrition during chemotherapy
New research explains that individuals with cancer who are going through chemotherapy treatments may be able to combat potential muscle loss or malnutrition with the supplementation of fish oil, as it contains omega-3 fatty acids.
While the study only involves 40 individuals with lung cancer, researchers believe it raises questions about the effectiveness and potential continued supplementation of fish oil for chemotherapy and cancer patients. Additionally, researchers believe that finding new ways to help treat side effects of cancer that are less invasive than existing methods may make treatment easier for patients.
Chemotherapy produces side effects like fatigue, muscle loss, and a general perception of lower quality of life.
Experts explain that fish oil works effectively to prevent muscle loss as it has shown properties of being able to alter various pathways that advanced cancer typically modifies.
Although researchers explain no studies have been conducted about the malnutrition caused during chemotherapy, few researchers have began analyzing the effects of THC for appetite in cancer patients.
Regardless, this study analyzed chemotherapy patients who supplemented with slightly more than 2 grams of omega-3 fatty acid. Another group performed daily tasks similarly, but did not supplement with fish oil.
Researchers discovered those who were not supplementing to lose muscle and fat mass to the tune of more than 5 pounds on average. The patients who were supplementing with fish oils did not experience any weight loss.
While the study size was relatively small and the findings are new, experts are somewhat skeptical, but still believe this study holds great value as to potential methods for treating malnutrition caused by chemotherapy.