New Blood Pressure Medication Shown To Be “More Effective”, Approved By FDA

New blood pressure medication may be more effective than existing options

The Food and Drug Administration recently approved a new drug that has been shown to effectively treat adults with high blood pressure.

The drug, sold as Edarbi, is called azilsartan medoxomil. Studies showed the drug to be more effective than current medications at effectively lower blood pressure.

Continuous high blood pressure may increase risks of heart disease, including heart attack, heart failure, stroke, and even death.

The FDA estimates more than 30 percent of American adults to have high blood pressure.

Commonly known as the ‘silent killer’, high blood pressure can terrorize the body without offering many, or any, symptoms at all.

Experts explain the ability to offer a variety of treatment options for individuals with high blood pressure is an extremely effective way of managing the condition, as some people prefer different treatment methods.

Health officials explain that diet modifications and a change in eating habits is often times a proper method for treating high blood pressure, but in some cases, medication may be required as well.

Side effects of the new drug appeared to be minimal, but warnings on the label will warn about the usage of the drug for pregnant women.