Vaccine Companies Seemingly ‘Untouchable’ From Lawsuits

Many vaccine companies notice immunity from lawsuits

The Pfizer company was sued in 1992 based on allegations that a vaccine used by a young girl, Hannah Bruesewitz, caused seizures and developmental troubles for her.

The National Autism Association backed the case, Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, explaining that Pfizer knew the potential dangers from the vaccine but refused to produce a safer version.

Original lawsuit attempts were denied, and more recently, the Supreme Court also shunned their ability to sue.

While lawmakers explain that vaccine companies are not immune to lawsuits like this one, they do offer compensation in cases like that of Hannah Bruesewitz.

If a vaccine is deemed largely unsafe, the government plans to offer no protection to the vaccine company.

The National Autism Association explains that the results of this case, and the severity of the condition of the young girl, offer very little for companies to strive to produce products that are deemed completely safe.

Hannah has been living with a seizure disorder since receiving a vaccination for pertussis, tetanus, and diptheria in 1992.

Many organizations are extremely upset at the rulings and believe that drug companies feel safe about producing potentially dangerous vaccines.