New York City Bans Smoking, Certain Streets Now Illegal To “Light Up” On

New York City officially bans smoking in many public areas

With many recent discussions involving the potential banning of smoking around New York City, specifically at parks and on beaches, the bill has finally be signed and passed.

Smoking in all NYC parks and on more than 15 miles of beaches is now completely illegal.

In addition, the Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, also agreed to banning smoking in various public plazas as well.

Some of the more notable places where smoking is now illegal include Times Square plaza, Central Park, and the boardwalk on Coney Island.

While many states had previously banned smoking in bars and restaurants, these new smoking bans are beginning to push the limits according to some government officials.

Other states have also banned smoking in various public areas, but New York is the first to ban smoking in various pedestrian plaza areas, which actually bans smoking on certain streets.

While many agree with this new law, others explain a severe violation of civil liberties.

Health officials explain it will promote a positive environment for all, and will improve the overall health of children and adults alike.