A group of researchers developed a new device that may just change the future of blood pressure measurement.
The company, HealthSTATS International, in conjunction with a team of researchers from the University of Leicester, released what is being claimed as a revolutionary device.
Conventional methods of measuring blood pressure take the ‘arm blood pressure’. However, blood pressure may differ between near the heart and in the arm, the group explains.
This new device is able to measure blood pressure around the heart, being able to more easily discover potential health risks and notice blood pressure problems sooner.
The new method of measure blood pressure appears to be with a sensor placed around the wrist. The device uses modeling data from the pulses generated from the sensor to accurately determine the central aortic systolic pressure, or CASP — the blood pressure near the heart.
Researchers are extremely optimistic about this new device and explain how much more valuable the blood pressure figures are when measured closely to the heart.
Experts explain that this new method may not only alleviate errors in blood pressure readings, but make it significantly more easy to perform for health care providers.