Studies found weight loss to help ease menopausal side effects
Researchers explain that hot flashes may be easier to manage and less troublesome if women were to weigh less. In a recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers found that losing excess weight is actually beneficial for menopausal women who desire relief from hot flashes.
In this study led by researchers at the University of California at San Francisco, 338 overweight women around 50 years old were randomly assigned to either a behavior-oriented weight loss program or to a health education program.
According to study author Alison Huang, it was discovered that every 11-pound weight reduction is associated with a 33 percent increased chance of improvement in hot flashes. This discovery proves that losing weight through adapting a healthy lifestyle definitely lessens the effects of uncomfortable hot flashes.
It was also reported by the U.S. News & World Report that for over 6 months, an average of 17 pounds were shed by women who took part in the weight loss program in comparison to just 4 pounds for the control group. Aside from this, women in the weight loss program were more than twice as likely as the control group to report relief from their hot flashes.
Other recognized methods of reducing the effects of hot flashes include hormone therapy, and acupuncture.
In addition, taking nutritional supplements such as soy, black cohosh and vitamin E are also believed to help.