Bipolar Disorder Symptoms May Be Influenced By Sunlight Exposure

Sunlight exposure may directly influence mood for bipolar patients

By looking at the calendar, almost 20 percent of people with bipolar disorder can easily determine moods. Many will have seasonal depression during winter and feel opposite during springtime.

Melvin McInnis, MD, a psychiatry expert, said that lack of sunlight is the cause of this seasonal component. People are more depressed during winter.

Seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is a mood disorder that affects individuals who do not receive enough sunlight. It is particularly common in northern regions, normally noticed during fall or winter.

The presence of a manic episode over some duration of time is what truly differentiates seasonal bipolar disorder and SAD.

Some patients notice a seasonal aspect that affects bipolar disorder. The newest phenomenon on one of the potentially largest influences of seasonal affective disorder is the circadian rhythm. This is essentially the biological clock and determines how a body changes during a 24-hour day.

Dr. Muzina, associate professor of medicine at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, said that this is a detachment when compared to overall population. People affected with seasonal disorders may have increased risks for these disorders based on genetic factors.

Though, seasonal bipolar disorder relates to the management of the symptoms. By simply watching the calendar, the mood shift can be expected unlike those with bipolar disorder.