Vitamin D Deficiency May Cause Diseases, Reduced Lung Function

The sun is a solid source of vitamin D

A new study may show how a deficiency of vitamin D might negatively affect the lungs. Australian scientists performed research on mice and found that both lung function and lung structure were negatively affected when a vitamin D deficiency was present.

Previous studies have found vitamin D deficiency to be related with asthma and pulmonary disease as well.

This study can be found in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

For the study, Australian scientists analyzed two groups of mice — one group was vitamin D deficient, and the other was not.

The study clearly found that vitamin D deficiency does cause reduced lung function and size.

The first of its kind, the study outlines exactly how a specific vitamin deficiency negatively affects the growth of important human function.

Additional risks of vitamin D deficiency include cancer, depression, autism, heart disease, and diabetes.

Experts recommend that adults get at between 4000 and 5000 IUs of vitamin D each day for disease prevention. The sun has been said to provide between 5000 and 10,000 IUs if exposure is during peak hours.