More College Students Emotionally Stressed, Survey Shows

More college students explain to be emotionally stressed

Starting college is always a stressful time for new students, but this year new college freshmen may be experiencing more stress due to emotional and financial difficulties, UCLA researchers unveil.

Each year, a report titled “American Freshman” is released. The report outlines mental and emotional health of new college students throughout the United States. The report showed that nearly half of all new college freshman have average or below average emotional health.

When the survey was started 25 years ago, more than 55 percent of college freshman explained to have average or above emotional health. However, in 2011, less than 52 percent of new freshman experience positive emotional health.

Less than half of college females claim to be emotionally strong, and nearly 60 percent of freshman males do.

One of the largest factors affecting emotional health right now was choice of college. In fact, 60 percent of students selected a college due to the recession.

Nearly 75 percent of all students rely on financial aid through scholarships, grants, or loans for assistance.