Adding colorful foods to a diet can help overall health and weight loss
When setting goals, especially weight loss, experts recommend using a proven system to help achieve success.
The system is called “SMART” goals, or goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
Many people fail themselves as the primary goal is to “eat more healthy” or “lose weight”. However, neither of those goals, by themselves, are measurable or timely.
A ‘smarter’ goal would be something like eating pizza only one time per month, dieticians explain.
Another tip diet experts recommend is writing down goals. When a goal is written down, it creates further sense of necessity in the mind and creates desire to achieve what was written.
Also, try developing one or two simple goals at a time. Studies have shown that goals are more likely to be achieved when concentrated, instead of an entire list of things to achieve.
Nutrition experts have explained that setting small goals is often the key to success. Instead of working to lose 30 pounds, try setting goals per week until the desired outcome is reached.
In terms of weight loss, nutritionists have recommended diet alterations to include more whole grains, more colorful foods, and to eat frequently without skipping meals.
Resolutions may be out the window already, but it is not too late to develop a healthier lifestyle.