Bath salts have the same chemicals as plant food
A legal and potentially dangerous drug in the United States, bath salts, provide similar sensations to that of cocaine. Bath salts have shown to be just as powerful as methamphetamine drugs as well.
The toxic stimulants in bath salts have shown to cause hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, and an increased heartbeat in individuals who come in contact with it. The stimulants are known as mephedrone and methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV).
Bath salts are manufactured under names like White Lightning, Hurricane Charlie, Bliss, and Ivory Wave.
The same chemicals found in bath salts can be found in plant fertilizer and food. The drugs are not banned or illegal in any way and can be found in most stores throughout the United States.
When these substances are abused, the seemingly harmless bath salts can turn into a dangerous drug.
Due to the potential dangers of these chemicals, especially when misused, many health officials are working to create bans of these substances.
Aside from state officials taking consideration to potential bans, federal health officials have been spending time investigating potential bans as well.
Typically, investigating and banning drugs like these can take years before they are banned.