Swine flu has claimed the lives of 21 in Northern Ireland
Swine flu, also called H1N1 virus, has claimed the lives of two more Northern Ireland residents in less than a week.
Accounting for these two additional cases, the total death count for the Northern Ireland area is 21 people.
Although people are still being infected, and in some cases dying, from the virus, health officials believe the peak of the flu season is over.
Both of the cases of swine flu death were adults. Also, 85 percent of victims from swine flu in Northern Ireland had previous medical conditions.
Another strain of flu, Influenza B, has also claimed the life of one individual. While it is a strain of flu, experts explain the cases to be unrelated.
The news of people dying from swine flu is alarming, but the overall number of flu cases has decreased. Health officials explain the fact that many individuals who died also had underlying health conditions may be part of the reason of the high death counts.
Northern Ireland health officials say they have plenty of vaccinations. How the vaccines are distributed is up to their officials.