A new male enhancement product, Man Up Now, has been found to contain chemicals that may dangerously lower blood pressure.
Claiming to be an all natural sexual enhancement product, Man Up Now actually contains sulfoaildenafil. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) explains that the chemical is very similar to sildenafil which is an ingredient in Viagra. The FDA announced that people should avoid taking Man Up Now immediately.
Sulfoaildenafil has been shown to negatively affect certain prescription drug abilities, potentially lowering blood pressure to near death levels.
Available primarily online, Man Up Now can be purchased in quantities up to 30 pills.
While no reports have been released on specific harm from this product, the FDA explains that sexual enhancement products containing prescription strength ingredients may be extremely harmful.
Drugs containing prescription-strength ingredients should not be available over-the-counter, the FDA explains.
Sexual enhancement products claiming to work instantly and for long durations of time probably contain elements allowed in prescription drugs and may be dangerous.
The FDA explains any individual noticing negative side effects from this pill should get rid of it and seek medical assistance immediately.