Breastfeeding May Cause Health Problems

Babies may be missing vital nutrients if breastfeed exclusively for six months

Long believed to be the best thing for a baby, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months may be dangerous for a baby.

British researchers explained that providing a baby with nothing but breast milk may cause deficiencies of vitamins and minerals, specifically iron. Also, the risk of developing allergies also increases if a baby receives nothing but breast milk for the first six months of life.

Because of those risks, health experts suggest introduction of solid foods into the diet starting at four months.

These breaking studies contradict many professional, reputable organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO). Claiming that exclusive breastfeeding is the healthiest diet for the first six months for a baby, the WHO may need to update their recommendations.

In 2007, a study performed in the United States found babies on an exclusive breast milk diet for the first six months were more likely to be anemic than babies who started eating solid foods at four months old.

Regardless, officials still explain that exclusive breastfeeding should remain for at least four months. Solid foods can be introduced, but breast feeding does not need to stop completely.