Moderate Exercise May Reduce Prostate Cancer Risks

Just 90 minutes of exercise per week can reduce cancer risks in men

Men who exercise at least two hours each week can reduce risks of dying from prostate cancer according to Web MD researchers.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of California-San Francisco performed a study together revealing the findings.

By studying records of close to 3,000 men over the course of 18 years who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer, researchers made a handful of important conclusions.

For the study, men recorded the amount of time they performed specific exercises each week. Exercises included swimming, biking, running, and outdoor yard work.

A staggering finding in this study was that men who reported to walk at a normal to quick pace for just 90 minutes each week noticed a 46 percent decrease in death risk from any cause.

This study shows that men have great chances of reducing cancer risks especially after a prostate cancer diagnosis by simply adding small amounts of physical exercise each week.