Placebo Pills Improve Sexual Satisfaction For Women

Placebo pills may help improve sexual satisfaction in women

Placebo pills may help women achieve a more desirable sex life, a new study found in the Journal of Sexual Medicine explains. Women taking part in this study experienced increases in sex drive, and also overall improvements with sexual satisfaction.

Results from this study show that by just taking small steps to achieve a more desirable sex life, women can increase satisfaction in their love lives.

For this study, researchers examined laboratory data collected on the effects of Cialis in women. Researchers found about 33 percent of women who took a placebo pill, 16 of 50 women, noticed more satisfying sexual encounters during the 12-week trial period. Results and findings about these women were measured using questionnaires and interviews with researchers. This study included women who were either married, or in long-term, committed relationships with their significant others.

Cindy Meston, a psychology professor and one author of this study, explains how long-term relationships can cause reductions in sex drive for women. She also explains the placebo pill may have provided hope for women, and engaging in sexual encounters may have helped create intimacy between the women and their partners.

The ability to properly measure sexual satisfaction can be difficult to gauge as it is largely based on a person’s own observations. Researchers add that taking alternative approaches to assisting women who believe they have sexual dysfunction may help overall as well.