Researchers Discover BPA Exposure May Negatively Affect Sperm

BPA is commonly used to create plastic containers

Researchers discovered how urinary concentrations of Bisphenol A (BPA) may directly relate to a decrease in sperm concentration and quality.

Since this study is still in its infancy, researchers explain additional information needs to be gathered, but documents have shown adverse effects of this chemical when similar tests were conducted using rodents.

BPA has been widely discussed lately due to its controversial nature and potential negative health effects. The chemical is often used when making plastics or epoxy resins for food or beverage containers, exposing many individuals based on their diet choices. However, over 6 billion pounds of the BPA chemical are produced each year.

Experts express the interest in having additional studies focusing on the health effects of BPA on adults. Much research discusses how BPA can affect children, but scientists are working to provide data on how the chemical effects individuals of all ages.

For this study, 190 men were analyzed. Each man provided a urine and sperm sample on the same day. Additionally, 78 of those original 190 provided one or two urine samples one month apart. Researchers found BPA in 89% of those urine samples.

Additionally, researchers examined sperm motility, shape, concentration, and any DNA damage evident in the sperm cell.

When comparing men with the highest exposure to BPA, the top 25% of those examined, to those with those with the lowest exposure, the bottom 25% of those examined, research showed sperm concentration was about 23% lower in men who experienced the highest exposure to BPA.

Research revealed a 10% increase to DNA damage in sperm as well.

Researchers explain additional studies will be conducted to gather more data.

Experts believe a larger sample size and a more structured study can help investigate the relation between BPA and sperm health in more depth.